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Showing posts from July, 2017


Justice League: Another Attempt of DC against Marvel

There was a stiff competition in the 'superheroes category' this year. Even in November, both the sides, Marvel and DC, dropped two awesome movies. Marvel went with Thor (Thor: Ragnarok) so to create a little bit more hype of their another awaited movie, Avengers: Infinite War, the ritual that they have been doing for past a decade; while DC dropped a high budget movie in its 'Team series', Justice League. The DC 'team series' started with Suicide Squad in 2016, though it's another known fact that they got this idea 4 years late (Avengers in 2012). But let's not go there. Justice League is in no doubt, one of the ' better ' DC movies. After the rough hits by critiques to their previous movies, Justice League is actually the movie that stood up after those hits, though could not be said in strong standing. The following contains spoilers! Justice League DIRECTION DC is known for its dark reflection and Zack Snyder, as alwa

Spider-Man: Homecoming; One of the best movie in Spider-Man 'Reboot' Series

Spider-Man, a friendly neighbourhood hero, is one of the prominent or say, 'youngest Avengers' in Marvel Universe. Though the viewer after watching the movie may think whether he was really in Avengers. But still, everyone follows comics as the real source and the Vol 1 #11 says that way only. Now, writing a spoiler-free blog is difficult and tiring, so to ease my work, the following blog contains (mild)  SPOILERS! Spider-Man: Homecoming Spider-Man: Homecoming is in no doubt one of the best Spider-Man movies I have ever watched. The reason for saying this is very simple. It doesn't contain the same old story of previous Spider-Man(s), no killing of anyone's father (or girlfriend), no revenge feeling, no attitude change, no impossible thing, anything which was in the old Spider-Man movies. However, the most important thing was Spiderman was looking like Spiderman; a mid-teen lanky high school guy with not much appeal or anything. Means Tobey Maguire didn